Thursday, January 13, 2011

A reminder for me

Without Christ in my life, it doesn't matter.  Without His grace poured out on me, I'm completely lost.  Oh how I've needed this reminder lately!  It's a new year with new goals, plans and aspirations.  So many things seem so very important.  But without Him, they most assuredly are not.

It has struck me most soberly.  I dare not stray from my Lord.  All of my life, my dreams, my hopes, my plans, my joys are completely dashed to pieces without Him.  My life is the sort that many look at with great pity.  How low my expectations seem!  To sit at home raising child after child after child.  I know the truth!  Never could I imagine a more fulfilling or exhilarating life, full of tremendous promise for the future.  However, it is completely and totally held together in the hands of the Lord.

This reminder has been the perfect place of fear and rejoicing.  To see how easily I can put off my relationship with Him, seeming to sail along nicely as I starve myself of my daily bread and living water is truly terrifying.  But to be reminded of the truly abundant life that comes from resting in Him is indescribable. 

Just because we don't turn our backs on the Lord, let us vigilantly  guard against the ways that we push on without Him.  He promises abundant life.  He keeps ALL of His promises!  Let's rejoice in that!


Unknown said...

how true!!! thanks for this post!

Unknown said...

You are so right! We are NOTHING without Jesus! Cute pictures! :)

Colorado Baxters said...

Thanks for that timely bit, Grace. I often end up leaving my Bible on the nightstand- back-burnered as I get up and running with my small ones. Prayers are murmured throughout the day- for myself, my kids, my husband... forgetting the element of worship and that all should be to the glory of God and not for personal benefit. My goal this year is to become more consistent in my active relationship with the Lord- not a passive one where I expect Him to meet my needs without any output on my part. This lack manifests itself in many forms of lack of self-control throughout the day. In Christ alone...