Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A beautiful love story!

I am so excited these days and couldn't help but share an incredibly special story with you all. First of all I need to introduce you to my beautiful sister Mary.

Mary is next down in age from me and has always been such an amazing person. I respect and admire her as much as anyone I know. Her genuine heart for the Lord is so evident in all that she does and she is such a servant, in the home as much as in public. Mary strives to honor the Lord in every aspect of her life, and one of the ways that she has chosen to do that is to reject the world's formula for finding a spouse and trust that the Lord would bring her a husband in His time and His way. She has been living at home and serving our family by greatly contributing to my parent's ministries and teaching at the school they run. She also teaches many piano lessons and directed the children's home school choir. On top of all that, she babysits for me weekly so that I can participate in our youth ministry and she is there whenever I need her.

While the Lord has been greatly using her, she still had a great longing to be married. Enter Peter. Peter started attending our church and Bible study a few years ago. He watched Mary for a long time, seeing and appreciating what a beautiful woman of God she was. He finally decided to go and talk to Mary's ( and my!) father. Dad and Peter both took some time praying and getting to know each other, all the while Mary never even knowing any of this. The men finally came to the conclusion that it would have to be a "no" because Mary's heart had been called to missions and Peter owns a large farm and feels very called to that. A few months passed however and Peter still felt like the Lord was leading him to Mary. He re approached the subject to my dad and they decided to all (Dad, Mom, Mary and Peter) spend a few months praying about it. Now I should add at this point, Mary and Peter really hardly knew each other and this was not at all what Mary had pictured for her life. Honestly it was not a very appealing thought to her. She says that she prayed for quite awhile, " Lord, change my heart if you want to, but please don't!". At the end of the allotted time Mary's heart had not changed and so a "no" was given again.

Months passed. Several months! Then slowly and in His perfect timing, the Lord began to move.
Mary started seeing things in Peter that she had never noticed before. Certain traits she had always wanted in a husband. The Lord started to change her heart towards long term missions and even her thinking about formal ministry. God was starting to put all the pieces together, not only in her heart but in my parent's as well. Finally everything came together, they all shared where they were at and they decided to talk with Peter.

Now this had been about eight months since the final "no" and they had no idea what had been going on for Peter. Dad went and found him on his farm and they had a long talk. Not only had the Lord not changed Peter's heart but He had been growing it stronger towards Mary. So much so that the poor guy was really tormented about what he should do, having already been told no twice! He was happy! Or maybe I should say is happy. I've never seen a guy smile so much!

So now they are embarking on a courtship journey, knowing the Lord brought them perfectly together. It is so amazing to see all the little ways that they are so perfect for each other! I can't wait to see all that the Lord has planned for them!

P.S. Now I get to be distantly related to Kelly and Alysun since my future brother-in-law's sister-in-law is their sister-in-law too!


Aly sun said...

I didn't know about this development! So great how God changes our hearts! And so fun that your future brother-in-law is my sister-in-law's brother-in-law. I got confused just typing that, but it is small world none the same!

Melanie said...

Yea! I was hoping you would write something about this!

Ha, ha - "change my heart if you want to, but please don't"! That sounds familiar to me - I think I prayed something like that once. Funny thing is, once your heart is changed, you can never remember the emotion that made you say that.

I've always thought that whoever married Peter would be a lucky girl. I'm glad I know her already!