Friday, February 15, 2013


Many of you have been asking me how I've been.  I appreciate the prayers and the love you have shown me!  Truth be told, between health issues and burdens of the heart this past month has continued to be a bumpy road.

What I absolutely love about this bumpy road is the knowledge that God never changes.  He doesn't waver for one second. 

This past week has been so refreshing in getting some areas of our life back in order and being able to see God work mightily in circumstances. 

This morning I'm home alone.  As I sat on the couch in silence a verse jumped out at me.  You know those verses that you're sure you've never read before even though you know you've read the Bible through many times?  This was one of those.  I was reading Psalm 116 and was so encouraged reading the reminders of how gracious and loving my God is when all of the sudden these verses seemed to speak straight to me.

Psalm 116:7~  Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.

Return to your rest.  Return to your rest.  What beautiful words.  For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.  Were truer words ever spoken? 

My God is good.  My God is strong.  My God knows all.  My God sees all.  My God loves me beyond comprehension.  My God holds the world in His hands. 

My peace does not come from all of my ducks being in a row.  My peace comes from knowing in whom I place my trust.  He has dealt bountifully with me.  Exceedingly bountifully. Return to your rest, O my soul!


RachelD said...

Wow! What beautiful words from Scripture! So encouraging to read your posts!

Jessica Smith said...

Thank you, Grace! I love you!