Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Scheduling Our Days~ Part Ten

6:00~ Wake up, morning routine

6:30~ Exercise/ shower
6:45~ Girls wake up, make beds, get dressed, have hair done
7:00~ Breakfast
7:30~ Breakfast clean-up, morning chores
8:00~ Prayer and Bible time
9:00~ School
10:30~ Break/ snack, switch laundry to dryer
11:00~ Finish school
11:30~ Weekly chores
12:00~ Lunch
12:30~ Lunch clean-up, house pick up, fold and put away laundry

1:00~  Reading Time!!!

It always feels so good to reach this point in the day.  Ella goes down for her second nap and then the three big girls and I curl up on the couch for our reading time.

We're still working through the "Little House" series now.  We read usually one, sometimes two chapters each day.  The girls are to sit quietly and raise their hand only for pertinent questions.  This time is wonderful for slowing down and taking a break.  It also transitions us perfectly into......

1:30~ Nap time!!!

Ella sleeps in her crib, Havilah sleeps on the guest bed, Bethany sleeps in our bed and Lydia sleeps on the love seat.  Often Lydia never really sleeps, but she still must lay quietly with a book for her hour.  That leaves the couch open for me!  Or if I'm not feeling desperate for a nap one day ( this rarely happens!), I have an hour open for reading, blogging or whatever else suits my fancy!


Aly sun said...

My girls sleep together at night, but I put them in different rooms during nap time too. My oldest doesn't sleep usually, but she can play quietly in her room. Don't tell her though, she has to rest for 2 hours, and it works our great for us.

Aly sun said...

I'm really curious how you came up with your schedule. I know it probably took a lot of thought about how your life is organized already and the things that need to get done, but I am struggling. I made a schedule and it didn't last a day because I have too much to cram into one day. There is still a LONG to-do that gets pushed to the next day. My husband suggests getting up earlier and skipping rest time, but won't that leave me tired and worn out more than I already am? I think we need 10 posts on HOW TO MAKE A SCHEDULE. Thanks for all your advice.

Anonymous said...

I always LOVED reading time when I was a teacher. I looked forward to it as much as the students did! We did the whole Little House series, which they loved. Another author I think you'd love (she's my absolute favorite for children's books) is Patricia St. John. Her two best-known books are Treasures of the Snow and Star of Light, but she's written lots of other great ones. She does an amazing job of weaving beautiful stories with foundational gospel truths in a way that's easy for children to understand.

Anonymous said...

Dear Grace, This 10 part series has been one of my favorites! I have read it 3x now, and continue to learn from it, even though i am still single i have been able to apply my own version of a schedule my own! It amazes me all that you accomplish for homeschooling in just 2 1/2 hours you do! I love reading your blog, you are a real blessing in my life through the example you are to my life!

God Bless,
Stephanie Thornton