Lydia attended VBS last week but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures!!! She had such a fun time. That sort of stuff is right up her alley. She's been singing to songs constantly now ad even Bethany is catching on.
We attempted potty training with Bethany while Lydia was at VBS, but we didn't get very far! Daddy really doesn't want to do the baby potty chair thing this time, but she was very uncomfortable on the big potty, so after getting some wise advice I decided to invest in a "Cushie-Tushie".
We'll see how it goes!
Havilah is still refusing to walk although just in the last few days she has decided to try standing on her own. I think we're close!
I went in today to have my hair cut. This is one of those luxuries that I absolutely adore! In an attempt to save some money, my darling husband has cut my hair the last two times. I must say he does quite a good job. Something for him to fall back on at least if the whole police business doesn't work out! Nevertheless, there is nothing so wonderful as sitting in that chair, having your hair washed, combed, cut and styled. Bliss itself!
Your hair looks nice!
I have the same problem with coming up with posts for my blog - nothing much going on here, just everyday life.
Just another day in paradise... complete with potty training. I also love getting my hair cut. I may be hormonal, but last time I went I started to cry while thanking the lady for cutting my hair. It is such bliss to be pampered -- even a trim.
even a trim looks great on you! simply stunning!
ps. you come up with some good blog topics let me know, i could use some inspiration!
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