Friday, April 2, 2010

A Special Kind of Birthday!

Last Tuesday was Lydia's first spiritual birthday. I can't believe it's already been a year since that morning that she chose to put her faith in Jesus and asked Him to wash away her sins. We had a small celebration topped with frosted brownies and Christmas sprinkles. We prayed for Lydia and each shared some way that we've seen her become more like Jesus this year.
It has been such a joy to watch her grow this last year. It is so amazing to watch the Holy Spirit work in one this young, convicting her of sin and prompting her towards obedience and love.  I often hear her challenging herself (or her sisters) " Does this attitude make Jesus happy or Satan happy?". Lydia is a joy and loves deeply those around her. What a beautiful thing it is to have your child be a child of the King!