This summer has had it fair share of highs and lows. Some seasons of life seem filled with fun, laughter and peace. Some seasons seem filled with turmoil in relationships, heart break and desperation. I'm so blessed that through these rougher times I had my husband who is not only my rock and my defender but also my best friend. I can't imagine going through life without him.
Even more than that though, the Lord has been teaching me afresh how sufficient He is for any place life may take me. Whether it's a torrent of tears over strained relationships or a constant head ache from a screaming child, my Lord is with me every step of the way and His strength is proved so strong in my weaknesses.
Speaking of screaming babies.....
It has been a hard, hard summer with Esther. She is still not walking or communicating at all and so most of her time is spent screaming. She has a very strong spirit and thinks that her little fifteen month old person should be able to rule the world. It's hard. Very hard.
HOWEVER...... it is NOT helpful or encouraging as a mother to hear constantly what a "grumpy baby" I have. Please don't tell other young moms that you hope their baby doesn't end up like mine. Please don't come up with "funny" nicknames about what a fussy girl she is. It is really not helpful or encouraging and for someone striving every day to raise their child in a way that glorifies the Lord, it's simply not helpful at all!
The truth is, I adore my daughter. The moment the clouds part, she fills our days with sunshine and laughter. She is so affectionate and loving. Her kisses make the whole world brighter.
We've dealt with strong wills before. We know it's a battle. We know by the grace of God that we will get through this and we look with confidence and hope towards that day!
This summer has been such a refreshing opportunity for me to reflect on my girls and what a treasure each one is. It astounds me when I look around and see all that the Lord has blessed me with. Each of my children have been so perfectly and lovingly created with such beautiful purpose. I'm so blessed to have the job of raising them and getting to know them each as they grow into the special people God made them to be.
About a month ago I was playing around on movie maker and I decided to make a slide show for my sweet Lydia. It was such a sweet thing for my heart to look back on the tremendous gift she has been to our family. I thought I wanted a boy first. I'm so glad that God knew better!
(The slide show is really long so don't feel like you have to watch it!)
I'm so thankful for all that this summer has taught me through the highs and the lows. I'm so blessed by those of you who have encouraged me (your comments have brought me to tears!). I'm so thrilled to enter into this new season (my favorite!) with fresh inspiration and excitement!
Love you Grace!
Such a good video! I didn't realize that In-N-Out has been around for 7 years already!
Also, did you go to Port Alsworth? The picture of David throwing her in the air near the water looks like P.A.?
I love Lydia's smile! She is so beautiful! =)
Grace I appreciate your delight and your "realness" in this post. I also appreciate your thoughts on folks making up nicknames etc. When my children have a breakdown, sometimes I even hear "Glad it's you and not me" in the grocery stores. I think your post brings out the need for encouragement and building up of young mothers/fathers.
This delightful older woman in my church said one time in response to my then 19 month old's fit. "She is learning to live in this world, just like you are learning to live with her. God will give you patience" Now, that was a beautiful response to a tantrum! I hope your first week of school goes well! Thank you for your posts.
Grace ~ I loved the video you made about Lydia. Looking at all the old pictures was so fun. I am so glad that I got to live close to you when you were pregnant with Lydia and when she was young. I remember coming over when you brought her home from the hospital.
Our computer is very slow at loading videos so it took a long time to load, I could hear the bits of music throughout the day. It was a great selection. As I watched the video completely (after it finally loaded) it reminded me of growing up with you and what a special friend you are. I am so glad you are a part of my life. I love you!
It's true...Esther is an adorable, loveable, delightful, enjoyable, little girl. Even though she has her challenging moments, she's always been easy to love. I am confident that her little memories will be filled more with how much her mommy loved her, than by how frustrated she sometimes was. You do such a great job expressing love to each of your precious daughters, Grace.
I love you! --Mom
I loved the video of Lydia and you're choice of music. It made me want to cry sentimental tears. She is growing so fast.
I love little Esther, too, and I think she is perfect and doing things in her own time. She will grow to be just as beautiful as her Mommy.
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