Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Darin's Birth~ Part 3

      So, there we were, all packed up and ready to head home from the hospital when we got the news.  Darin had spiked a fever and had high respiration so they wanted us to stay overnight.  They moved us to a different room and started trying figure out what was going on with our little guy.

      Within what seemed like minutes, but really was hours, our poor little guy was having a chest X-ray, was getting a port in his little arm to start IV antibiotics and was getting ready to go under the lights because his bilirubin count came back too high.  It was hard.  I spent a lot of time standing by his little light bed crying as he screamed and screamed.  He had to stay under the lights for two hour stretches, then I could feed him and hold him for twenty minutes, then back under the lights he would go.  He really, really didn't like it and cried almost the whole time.

         That night was hard.  Thinking of the night before, when I had laid there with nothing but praise on my lips, I was reminded to give thanks again for whatever road the Lord had for us to walk.  The lyrics that had sustained me through labor and filled me with joy as I had held him in my arms, once again reminded me of truth as I laid alone that second night longing for my baby.
     "Scars and struggles on the way,
 still with joy our hearts can say
Never once did we ever walk alone.
Never once did You leave us on our own.
You are faithful, God, You are faithful."
       The next morning brought the news that Darin had pneumonia.  Apparently he had aspirated on some amniotic fluid with bacteria or something like that during delivery.  The doctor wanted him to stay on the lights for the rest of the day and continue on the antibiotics until he knew more.  We were also told that they would keep us at this hospital as long as they could but that it was likely that we would be moved to a different hospital.
       The new day had also brought new joy though, and we were so thankful to be somewhere with people who knew much more than we did and who were taking excellent care of our boy and were also treating us respectfully and kindly.  It was a sobering thought to think that if we had gone home the night before that Darin could have gotten very sick before we knew something was wrong.  We were so grateful to be right where we were.
       That night Darin was able to be done with the bilirubin lights and after almost 20 hours of only being able to hold my baby at scheduled times, I was sooooo ready to have him in my arms again!!!!

To be continued.......