Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Don't Forget!!!

This is my reminder to me~  Don't forget to be thankful today.  Just don't.  Without thankfulness God's amazing gifts to us slip past unnoticed.  With thankfulness the world's worries and trials shrink and fade.  Here's a quick ten.

I'm thankful~

1.  That I live in Oregon, where everything outside my window is green and gorgeous.
2.  For a husband who listens, learns and loves unconditionally.
3.  For the blessing of free cherries.
4.  For babies who fall asleep in random places (like on the floor next to me!).
5.  For new sheets that feel super luxurious.
6.  For new windows that open.
7.  For silly songs little girls sing.
8.  For disposable wipes, which make the world (and our desk) a less sticky place.
9.  For a God who always forgives.  Completely.
10.  For new mornings with new mercies.

How about you?  What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Charlene said...

I'm thankful for my husband who loves me.
Peas in my garden.
An improved relationship at Canyonview.