I know it's Sunday morning. Sunday mornings have the tendency to get crazy, rushed and grumpy. A piece of advice from one mom to another; get up earlier and plan ahead. But Sunday is one of my only mornings to stay under the covers! I know. But it's really not worth it. I'm not saying get up at the crack of dawn, I just have to accurately plan how much time a shower, breakfast, dressing five girls, doing five girl's hair, and getting myself ready is going to take. Then I need to make sure I
have that time! And planning ahead is crucial! If I not only know what we are all going to wear but have everything clean and ready to go, that saves a
tremendous headache! If I'm really on the ball, I love to have breakfast as prepped as possible as well. But I digress..... We're here for habits aren't we?
One of the greatest things I can teach my children is to set aside time to meet with the Lord. If I can ingrain it in them now, what better habit could I instill in them? Two of my girls are avid readers and both have their own Bibles. For this habit I simply told them to find a quiet place to read for ten minutes. I set the timer for them.
Now on a busy morning like Sunday, it takes an effort to carve out even ten minutes. But it's important. They need to see that it is important. We don't skip brushing our hair and putting on makeup Sunday morning because we are too busy. Neither should we neglect what is most important.
At a young age, it is imperative for parents to train their children in the Word. There is no way for them to grasp or understand all the truths of scripture on their own.. But, I truly believe they will learn and we know that the Word will not return void. Plus they are learning a precious discipline that is vital for every stage of life.
Add this habit where it fits best for you. Before breakfast, first thing after lunch, while the babies nap. It dosn't matter too much as long as it becomes a HABIT!!! Don't let this area be neglected!