Thursday, March 29, 2012

31 Days of Good Habits~ Day Twenty-Nine

This is the last habit we are adding to our list.  The habit of giving thanks.  This one is a little different from the rest, but it is so important in life that I want to make of point of making it a habit for my children. 

How can you help this become a habit for your children?  Thank them for the things that they do.  Express thanks to everyone who crosses your path throughout the day.  Help them see all that Daddy does for his family and find creative ways to be thankful.  Help them write thank you notes to people who have blessed them.  When riding in the car go around saying things God created that they are thankful for.  The opportunities are endless, but as mothers we have to make a point of using these opportunities.

Thankfulness makes life abound with beauty.  Give your children the gift of making this a habit in their lives.

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